Chiropractic Questions
A subluxation is a slight misalignment or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). Simply put, it is a lack of motion or “fixation.”
The term subluxation also refers to any fixated joint in the body. This could occur in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, or foot. They do not resolve with massage, acupuncture, or physical therapy. These modalities may, however, be helpful with pain and function.
Only chiropractic adjustments specifically address and correct these fixations.
Not always. A subluxation may cause immediate pain, or you may have it for a long time before symptoms appear. Even painless subluxations can cause arthritis (called degenerative joint disease), and nerve interference. Subluxations can affect the body’s health and ability to function.
A patient may come in for lower back pain, but feel a painful nodule that needs adjusting when I examine their back. They feel more flexible and have more range of motion after the adjustment. But they had no idea they needed the adjustment until I worked on them.
Regular spinal checkups are important. They can identify and correct spinal problems before they become more serious.
Subluxations occur when the body’s is unable to adapt to certain stressors. This stress can be physical, biochemical or even emotional. A fall, injury, sudden jar, or trauma can cause a vertebra to become subluxated.
Improper sleep and work posture can also cause subluxations. Incorrect lifting techniques and other events can also result in misalignment and dysfunction.
The most common signs of subluxations include headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, pain in shoulders, arms or legs, numbness in hands or feet, fatigue or nervousness.
Unfortunately, most people will have a subluxation long before they notice any symptoms. This is why Dr. Rehl recommends regular checkups.
Nerve roots and blood vessels branch off from the spaces between vertebrae in the spine. Disturbances in spinal movement may irritate nerve roots and blood vessels.
This irritation can cause pain and dysfunction in the muscles and affect the organs. It can lead to osteoarthritis, and create neurological imbalances throughout the body.
No. Dr. Rehl is only concerned with the proper movement of your vertebrae, not with noises that may occur during an adjustment. This is why silent techniques including “drop table” or Activator are still effective.
The sound we hear is confirmation the adjustment moved the joint through its range of motion. When this occurs, the joint opens up and creates a partial vacuum. Joint capsule liquids become gaseous and move through the membranes.making a noise as they do so.
However, therapeutic changes can occur without a cracking or popping sound.
No. Some people require ongoing chiropractic adjustments due to chronic problems. There may be underlying factors that interfere with proper function. Joints may return to their previous state of dysfunction after stress. This includes structural (forward head posture or ligament laxity), biochemical, or emotional stress.
If underlying factors are not addressed, the problems will return, requiring more care. This process may give a false impression that chiropractic is addictive.
No. Dr. Rehl evaluates each patient at each visit and determines their exact needs at that time. Each patient’s care is unique.
Dr. Rehl uses muscle testing and palpation each visit. Problems change over time. His treatments vary from visit to visit according to the patient’s current needs.
Yes. Cavitation is the clinical word for “cracking.” Cracking is often associated with traditional adjusting techniques. Dr. Rehl uses some effective non-force and low-force techniques. They do not require so-called “cracking.”
For example, Dr. Rehl may use a spring-loaded instrument called an Activator. It delivers a force into the joint without bending the spine.
It’s possible but most subluxations persist. Dr. Rehl can’t overstate the importance of regular chiropractic checkups. It is important to address joint fixations before they become acute situations.
It’s not recommended. If you’re trying to adjust yourself, please stop. Call us today to address the problem. A chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in a specific direction to a specific joint. It’s impossible to adjust oneself correctly and accurately.
Self-manipulation is usually counterproductive.
No. Dr. Rehl adjusts only spinal joints with subluxations . This corrects the problem. It allows weakened muscles and ligaments to stabilize and heal.
Not usually. Some patients may experience very minor discomfort that lasts only a moment with manual adjustments. For patients with concerns, Dr. Rehl uses alternative, non-force and low-force techniques.
Nutrition Response Testing Questions
Patients can use multivitamins, minerals, and essential oils long term. The majority of supplements Dr. Rehl recommends are “therapeutic.” This means they’re only used until a particular health issue clears up.
The duration of use may vary from a couple of weeks to a few months. It occasionally takes longer, depending on many factors.
Dr. Rehl asks patients bring in all of their supplements, herbs, homeopathy, and other products for nutrition response testing. Occasionally, patients discover that the supplements they have spent good money on are either not working, not necessary, or making matters worse. Dr. Rehl can help patients select products that are more helpful and cost less.
Only physicians can legally prescribe or discontinue prescription medications. However, many medications are not necessary once the body is restored to health through chiropractic, nutrition, exercise, and/or stress reduction, and it’s important to know how to discuss this with a physician. Dr. Rehl can help patients to co-manage their condition(s) with their physicians, and can use muscle testing to identify how to best support the body nutritionally while using any medications.