Dr. Rehl is a highly skilled Walnut Creek chiropractor who specializes in treating a wide range of health conditions, from common issues like pain and fatigue to more complex problems like diabetes and hormone imbalances. He uses chiropractic techniques and nutritional approaches to address conditions such as allergies, digestive disorders, and skin problems. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain, trying to manage a specific health condition, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, Dr. Rehl can provide personalized care and support at his Walnut Creek practice.
Health Conditions We Treat
Dr. Rehl has experience treating the following chiropractic and nutritional/health conditions:
Blood Sugar Disorders
- diabetes
- hyperglycemia
- hypoglycemia
- sugar addiction
- High H1AC levels
Bones and Joints
- osteoporosis
- osteoarthritis
- fatigue
- skin problems
- weight gain
- acid reflux
- bloating
- candida/yeast
- colitis
- constipation
- diarrhea
- gas
- irritable bowel syndrome
- hemorrhoids
- hiatal hernias
- light colored stool
Edema (water retention)
- swollen ankles
- bloating
Energy and Mood
- fatigue
- anxiety
- depression
- irritability
- stress
Endocrine (hormone) Imbalances
- adrenal dysfunction
- menstrual problems
- ovary support
- peri-menopause
- thyroid (hypo and hyper)
Fats and Oil-Related Problems
- cholesterol
- omega-3 deficiencies
- triglycerides
- gallstones
- inflamed gall bladder
Hair and Nail Health
History of Antibiotics
- bacterial/viral infections
- colds
- flu
- herpes
- swollen lymph glands
- parasites
- fungal infections
- urinary tract infections
- hidden infections
Immune System
- acute sickness or the flu
- frequent infections
- persistent cold symptoms
MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity)
- joint pain
- muscle aches
- current injuries
- sprains/strains
- disc injuries
- whiplash, car injuries
- old injuries that never healed properly
- disc injuries
- sprain/strains
- history of whiplash
- reduced range of motion of the neck and back
- repetitive strain injuries and tendonitis
- TMJ problems
- bursitis
- burning
- carpal tunnel
- nerve damage
- numbness
- pain
- tingling
- rashes
- dry skin
- eczema
- hives
- psoriasis
Sleep Disorders
- insomnia
- wake often/restless sleep
- weight loss protocols
- weight gain